Washington Bierzo

28 respuestas
    en respuesta a Paco Higón

    Tares CC.VV.

    Ver mensaje de Paco Higón

    I know many of you do. It wasn’t written in my censorship tone but my frustration one :^P
    I remember those magnums at the 3rd Verema Wine Experience, but it was too early in the year for the format...and yes, it was too late in the day (lunchtime already!) for my nose ;^)

    Already warming up for V4: ";Vive le sobaquillo!";

    en respuesta a Gastronauta

    Re: Drinkability

    Ver mensaje de Gastronauta

    I think you said it perfectly - the CV is charming, a product that is made comfortably within the bounds of its raw materials. In contrast, I thought Bembibre pushed the limits a little bit and was slightly ostentatious, probably no more so than many wines, but more noticably so in contrast to the CV.

    It does sound that the best evidence is that CV is simply in a bad phase. Does anybody get the sense that the problem is bottle variation?

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