Full info in labels..

9 respuestas
    en respuesta a jose

    Re: Full info in labels..

    Ver mensaje de jose

    Well, I’m not so sure about this. Perhaps next we can expect a label with the Kj per unit of alcohol, the grams of fat per 100ml, the calories per mouthful.......or maybe the chemicals that make up the plastic cork or the content of aluminium in the can or the plastic box it comes in. And the there is the lead in the capsule and how can they analyse the mould under the capsule that is contact with the cork in old wines until it develops 20 years later etc etc etc???

    Wine is one of those delightfully traditional things and with the rare exception of anti-freeze in the odd Austrian or Italian wine a few years back most serious wine producers try to realise a product with as few chemicals as possible as Grahm Randall suggests.

    I can see a point when you wont be able to see the wine for the labelling! Or maybe I’m just an old fuddy duddy?


    en respuesta a suiko

    Re: Off Topic: Hi guys ;) ..

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    ... geeezzzz ... it’s been a while without navigating through the quiet side! ... with my coming back to Spain from almost 1.5 years in the USA at about the same time that Spanish Xmasts and pre-Xmasts celebrations started it has been horribly hectic (with parties!). Of course I drunk a fair amount of good wines: in the pre-xmasts I had Aalto ps (2001), a fantastic Blecua 2002 (I have been reluctant to that wine thinking that it was unduly expensive; it is very expensive, but it is very good); a (too young) Marques de Chirel 2001, several delicious finos and amontillados from the superb ";la bota de ...";, great Loire wines and small producers Champagnes, the unbelievable ";Los Toneles"; old moscatel; in a nice restaurant (with a great sumelleise) we had great rieslings and an old Clos Martinet 1995 that was great. I never get the super superb wines for the family celebrations, as we drink a lot and do not pay much attention to wines, but the bottles of Enrique Mendoza Shiraz and Estrecho, Martue, Dominio de Tares cepas viejas, Beryna seleccion and the alikes did a wonderful job (no whites: family prefer red).

    Happy New Year to all in case I do not come back in a while!


    en respuesta a jose

    Re: Wow....

    Ver mensaje de jose

    Same to you Jose, and to the rest of the ";quiet side"; ;) ... I really had many and good wines, but I prefer to have these over a longer, more relaxed, period of time: Xmasts really overwhelms me ... are you cooking for New Year’s Eve? if so, what are you cooking? (you are such a great cook!!!!) ... I am cooking my usual ";fancy starters"; and then ";lomo iberico a la sal"; with a modena vinegar reduction, along with some mushrooms and tiny potatoes: super easy, quick, healthy and tasty ... For drinks, we’ll begin with champagne (I’ll have to check what I have) and then some Aalto PS with the meat ... and then, who knows!

    Have a great night folks,



    en respuesta a MaJesus

    My family is soooo traditional....

    Ver mensaje de MaJesus

    I would like to cook a whole meal for one of these family meetings, nonetheless all I’ve been able to get is to cook at least a dish. My mom is very traditional and she cooks every meal.
    On 24th I cooked a magret with chutney of mango. They really enjoyed the magret but even more the chutney 8-) (it was a canned one, I decided not to use 4 hours just for a sauce this time). Now I can say they like magret, but love the chutney!
    As I’ve been sick (stomach issues) almost until today I dare I won’t be able to cook anything tomorrow, so I’ll be just the helper-in-the-kitchen.
    I’ll try to convince my family to taste something new for them on January 6th. A starter of smoked chicken breast with a topping of creme fraiche with orange juice (or any other way to made a sour cream). Also an easy and quick dessert: lemon ice cream with cava. They love it.
    Anyway... can you believe that nobody in my family drink wine? Well, my dad drinks a little shot before lunch, but never from a bottled wine! Aaaarghhh... 8-O



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