Foro de Vino > Jay Miller deja el Wine Advocate?

Jugoso tambien el primer comentario a uno de los ultimos posts de Jim Budd,

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en respuesta a PedroCarroquino

Re: Jay Miller deja el Wine Advocate?

Ver mensaje de PedroCarroquino

Jugoso tambien el primer comentario a uno de los ultimos posts de Jim Budd,

El comentario habla un poco de la historia reciente de Pancho en el mundo del tenis, del espectaculo, su rapida obtencion del titulo de MW, y me siguen pareciendo comentarios como alguien ha dicho, tipo Belen Esteban... Se palpa un cierto rencor en el relato de la historia, pero si son ciertos los datos tiene tela la cosa. Esta en ingles:

"In case Antonio Casado and his readers are interested. I have known Pancho Campo for the last 20 years and there is a long list of things that people should know about this man. First let’s start by saying he is Chilean and not Spanish and that he spent most of his life in the tennis world. Pancho is the ultimate showman. Unfortunately he lacks the ethics and all of his different businesses/schemes have failed one after another. Let me outline it for you:

Pancho bought the rights to use the Bollettieri Tennis Academy name and by association Andre Agassi’s image; to launch several tennis camps in Spain back in the 80’s. This led Pancho to start the first European Bollettieri tennis Academy in Alicante, Spain. Although this venture was initially very successful, Pancho opted to cash out after a few years and left behind huge debts at the resort (Hotel EuroTennis). The Bollettieri tennis academy terminated the contract with Pancho after they also realized they had been mislead and no revenues ever reached Nick Bollettieri back in Bradenton, Florida.

As Pancho still had a decent reputation in the tennis world in Spain he started to organize weekend tennis camps where clubs would pay him a fee to show up, bring a celebrity from the tennis world (the likes of Manuel Santana) and entertain the members for a couple of days. As it was not quite the “pay day” Pancho had anticipated he tried opening another tennis academy, this time in Madrid Spain. After a couple of years and following the same patterns, the academy had to close its doors and after a few other business attempts Pancho went to the Middle East.

In Dubai, with the help of his rich father in law, he started as a concerts and events promoter. Although there are many stories to tell about Pancho’s ventures in Dubai…all that really matters is that his business antics caught up with him and landed him in the Interpol most wanted list and had to leave Dubai for Spain.

Onto his third career. In trying to replicate the successes of his father in law. Pancho tried opening a U.S. style junior college in Marbella which unfortunately for him and his wife went south quickly. Again racking up huge debt.

Right…so three failed careers so far.

And now as you all know Pancho Campo is in the wine business and believe it or not a Master of Wine. It will not be long before he is looking for a fifth career as people in the wine industry, realize he is full of hot air and no substance. The way he uses Jay Miller and the likes of him for his personal enrichment is just another example of his antics.

Good luck to those dealing with Pancho Campo the showman/businessman."

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