Straw yellow with fun dropping. Scent of not rippen golden appel, citrics

Straw yellow with fun dropping.
Scent of not rippen golden appel, citrics and... daisies? Hint of not rippen honeymelon. Raw green olives.
In mouth we find the citrics, it’s a soft and nice quaff.
So soft smoke that it makes you go into a doubt wether it’s there or it’s just your imagination...
I can think of this wine neither for the look nor for the smell, but it’s a very nice body. It’s not clumsy, but it isn’t the usual light white wine. It’s, really, a nice quaff.
Drink a bit chilled, because when it’s warmed up it turns into a clumsy sip.
It’s been nicely paired with a couple of trouts with green pepper and vodka.
The price is around 7 EUR. A good QPR.

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