
3 respuestas


    A new forum... empty, I couldn't resist to publish something.

    But lets ask something, not just spam. I was reading the tasting at elmundovino about Rueda, and I was really surprised to find that the highest scores went all to oaked verdejos or SB. Is that the kind of wine one is looking for when drinking a Rueda?

    My problem with many of those "new" oak fermented spanish whites is that I cant really say where are they from. I find them to internatianalized.

    Here is the link: http://elmundovino.elmundo.es/elmundovino/catas.html

    en respuesta a Olaf

    The most astonishing tasting from El Mundo Vino..

    Ver mensaje de Olaf

    I've ever read from them.
    Everything with layers and layers of make-up is over any interesting verdejo. Despite what any of us look in the wine is what the wine is. Example: Is at this moment Verdejo FB from Nieva better than PF? I don't think so... nonetheless PF is qualified as lack of interest :-??????????????? Well, it's only an example, but take the whole taste as a sample. What's the verdejo character? Vanilla/Cinamonn? Roasted wood? What's the idea they have of 'interesting' or 'complexity'?
    Well, my point of view use to be, most of times, very far from them, but with this tasting notes I'm a galaxy far away from them.



    Paco Higón

    Re: Hello?

    Mmm, interesting thread..... I like Ossian, I thinks it's one of the best Spanish wines.... but it's true, Olaf, that for me the "typical" wine from Rueda is a Verdejo un-oaked like the magnificent Blanco Nieva Pie Franco or the Jose Pariente.....

    Cheers and welcome to the new Verema ;-)

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