Save the duero initiative

6 respuestas
    en respuesta a Jandir_Passos

    Re: Save the duero initiative

    Ver mensaje de Jandir_Passos

    Just follow the money trail and figure out who got paid off to use that outdated 1991 map and you will understand why this illogical route has been chosen instead of the northern route, which will wipe out a lot of wheat fields on the paramo.

    I deplore widening the southern route, but as far as the gas fumes destroying the vines any more than N-122 does already (or Route 29 in Napa Valley), both with often slow moving traffic do, I don’t see that. Moving traffic to the north to alleviate such pollution, of course, but a fast highway is not going to create more pollution than one that has deisel trucks (a crime in themselves) moving through at a slower pace.

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