A crazy end-of-the-week idea

8 respuestas

    A crazy end-of-the-week idea

    Ver mensaje de MaJesus

    I realize that I totally forget about the ";English"; part of Verema, especially when I have tons of work ... and at the end of the week, I got a crazy idea: why don’t we ";merge"; both Veremas? this would make it the most original Forum ever! ... it is not as crazy as it seems at first, I think: Many Spaniards can read English somehow, but not write it, and many English-speaking can read Spanish somehow but not write it, so ... let´s have a forum where everyone writes either in English or Spanish at wish! ... is it way too crazy??? I would probably answer in English to English messages and in Spanish to Spanish messages; I would probably write formal, international, etc. messages in English, and the local, non-serious, informal ones in Spanish. If we could have them in different ";colours"; (one for Spanish, one for English) then it would be just perfect (although I had no idea if that is possible). I think that this would help to make both forums (the Spanish one and the English one) more dinamic, international, and everything ... and we could have tasting notes in both lenguages, keeping either or both rating systems (Verema system and Parker system).

    I swear to everything that I had nothing to drink but water in the whole day!!!

    If nothing else, it can make you smile :-DD. Have a nice weekend!


    en respuesta a MaJesus

    Not so crazy.

    Ver mensaje de MaJesus

    I don’t think it is crazy. It would help me to learn Spanish. And you are correct that, while I could not yet write a note in Spanish, I do consult the Spanish-language notes all the time. (I’ve never paid much attention to the Spanish part of Forum, however.)

    One potential consideration comes to mind based on two coincidences that occurred just in the last week. Twice friends who enjoy wine but who are not really wine geeks have emailed me because they noticed my posts after using a web search engine to help find a wine or find out more about a wine. Apparently, the content of Verema pops up on general search engines more than the content of other wine-oriented web sites. Even if other sites were as easy to access in a general search, the content related to Spanish wine is minimal.

    My point is this: I think this part of the site has the potential to become a unique resource about Spanish wine in the US and elsewhere. But I wonder whether, after a general search engine inquiry, many non-Spanish speakers would explore a combined Verema long enough to discover the English content.

    en respuesta a WaltZalenski

    True :D

    Ver mensaje de WaltZalenski

    Now I am sipping some Santa Rosa (Enrique Mendoza) 95 and my mind is waaaaayyyy clearer!!! ... it was fun imagining it at the end of the Friday, though :)) ... good night! (and thanks for your informed inputs ;)


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