Rosados / 2015
Rosados / 2015
Hi all,
here we go with a sort of report about rosado wines I drank in the last two months. Hope it helps...
- Viña Aljibes Rosado 2014. Los Aljibes. Vino de la Tierra de Castilla (4-5 EUR)
Very good rosé. No excessive hint of anything but it's a bit further than just correctness.
- Gran Feudo Rosado 2014. Bodegas Chivite. DO Navarra (3-4 EUR)
Impeccable. Absolutely flawness. You can ask for a bit more for this price.
- Enate Rosado Cabernet Sauvignon 2014. Viñedos y Crianzas del Alto Aragón, S.A. DO Somontano. (6-7 EUR)
I try to taste every vintage of this wine. Nonetheless I always pay a close attention to the smell. Every other year it’s a significant smell to raw capsicum that I do not enjoy at all. This vintage is nice. Good and austere rosé for warm weather.
- Pago del Vicario Petit Verdot Rosado 2014. DO Castilla-La Mancha (4-5 EUR)
Some vintages the abv shows too aggressive for my taste. Luckily it doesn’t happen with this vintage. Well, you cannot deny 14,5% abv, but it’s a good balance and it’s a good sip with its usual strawberry lollipop character.
- Ramón Bilbao Rosado 2014. DO Rioja (6-7 EUR)
Good surprise. Light, long, fresh and nice quaff. What else would I ask for?
- Musikanto 2013. Viñedos Culturales - Rafael Navarro. DO Alicante (7,6 EUR)
Unless it’s alcohol it would be a quenching thirst refreshment. More!
- Pasión de Bobal Rosado 2013. Bodega Sierra Norte. DO Utiel-Requena. (6-7 EUR)
I think it’s the first rosado made with bobal I drink. Light and refreshing with a good acidity. More!
- Gran Feudo Rosado sobre lías 2013. DO Navarra. (6-7 EUR)
Nice and silky quaff, but constrained by invisible, despite certain, borders.
- Musculoso Clarete 2014. Bodega Finca Herrera. DO Cigales (5-6 EUR)
Different kind of rosado; wider and not so light as many other rosados. It’s a place in the table for sure.
- Doce Tañidos 2014. Bodegas Lezcano-Lacalle. DO Cigales (6-7 EUR)
Looks dark but it's a thin sip. Maybe the less funny rosé I've drank, or the serious one if you prefer. I don't remember a bad vintage of this wine.
- Muga Rosado 2014. Bodegas Muga. DOC Rioja. (6,5 EUR)
Looks as a good vintage for this wine. Light, good acidity and looooong. More!
Re: Rosados / 2015
Hi all,
what about a second round?
- Roselito 2014. Bodegas Antídoto. DO Ribera del Duero (9,9 EUR)
In the side of fine and light rosé. Very nice, but I miss an additional nudge of something else.
- Quinta Clarisa 2014. Belondrade, S.L. Vino de la Tierra de Castilla y León (9,9 EUR)
It looks as a wine-in-the-middle, among those fresh and joyful ones that are on our tables during summer and those others that want to be (wannabe?) a sort of serious rosé, darker and slightly aged. Wide sip, but not fat. Nice bitter touch and an extra nudge of water melon. I would buy it again, despite I think it’s a bit overpriced.
- Casa Primicia Rosado 2014. DOC Rioja (5-6 EUR)
Nice and kind sip. It’s not a best of breed wine, but for this summer temperatures and the kind of food I cook nowadays it’s a perfect match.
- Señorío de Nava Pink 2014. DO Ribera del Duero (6-7 EUR)
I don't feel comfortable with those wines whose label try to mean something else but the wine. Well, I can keep away my prejudeces. It's a good wine. Light quaff with a nice acidity.
- David Moreno Rosado 2014. DOC Rioja (3,9 EUR)
So gooooood as the preceding vintage when I knew this wine. More!
- Florentino Martínez Clarete 2014. DOC Rioja (3,5 EUR)
Good rosé. That sort of light and refreshing rosés quenching thirst.
- Martínez Lacuesta Rosado 2014. DOC Rioja (5-6 EUR)
You don’t expect so much of this kind of rosés. Historical wineries, classical wines but not so good reputed in the last years. But hey! Surprise, it’s a good rosé!
- Tenuta delle Terra Nere. Etna Rosato 2014. DOC Etna (13 EUR)
I don’t use to drink foreign rosés, as far as they’re not quite common on the usual wine shops. Additionally their QPR doesn’t looks quite good balanced. Anyway this one is a nice quaff. I’d buy a second bottle, but the price makes me feel not so comfortable.
Re: Rosados / 2015
Here we go with the third round...
- Combate Pink 2014. Maldivinas. Vino de la Tierra de Castilla y León. (20.9 EUR)
Very nice rosé. Ample, complex and it’s not enough with just a glass (or two) for quenching your thirst of this wine. Nonetheless its price is an ouch and a half.
- Les Idées Heureuses 2013. SARL Les Terres Promises. AOC Côteaux Varois en Provence (14,4 EUR)
Nice quaff, but it doesn't reach what it should for the price.
- Cune Rosado 2014. Bodegas CVNE. DOC Rioja (5-6 EUR)
Well, I cannot avoid having some prejudeces. I expect something worst than I find in the bottle, so it's a good and easy quaff.
- Pricum Rosado 2014. Bodega Margon. DO Tierras de León (8,09 EUR)
Nice rosé. Serious, with herbaceous and water melon hints.
- Gaznata Rosado 2014. VT Castilla y León (3,8 EUR)
Very nice rosé with that sort of fruit, herbs and dairy hints.
- Care Rosado 2014. Bodegas Añadas. DO Cariñena (6,59 EUR)
A touch of green capsicum that disappear quite fast. Good rosé with a touch of seriousness.
- Calderona 2014. Frutos Villar. DO Cigales (4,2 EUR)
One of those rose you forget just a second after finishing the bottle, but hey! is it something bad? Not in my opinion. This wine can be with you in every summer dinner!