Astrales Scores ... Not just x10?

15 respuestas

    Astrales Scores ... Not just x10?

    Ver mensaje de JoanF

    Dear Paco, dear Juan, dear all,

    I have seen your comments of Astrales 2001 in Spanish...

    And after seeing your comments in English I was considering to translate me note as well.

    However, I had a big surprise about the scores... in the English version they are higher than the spanish (not just x10).

    Why? Can you please explain me that? Is any conversion formula or table from ’Spanish score’ to ’English score’? Any hint to me, what should be my score?

    Many thanks!



    en respuesta a Paco Higón

    Re: OK, but why?.

    Ver mensaje de Paco Higón

    Then with this english scale, a wine with 0 in spanish scale, will have 50 points in english scale. I think that this translation formula could be very confuse. Why don’t aply simply Xx10?



    Juan Such
    en respuesta a Choche

    The American rating system starts with 50 points

    Ver mensaje de Choche

    The American rating system (at least Parker and Wine Spectator employ it) use a 50-100 point quality scale. That means that a wine with 50 points (the minimum) is equivalent to 0 points in a 10 points scale.

    Therefore, 90 points means 40 points out of 50 available, or a 8/10.

    The meaning of the scale of 100 points is explained here:

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