Nice onion skin/copper colour. Small, medium... bubbles of every kind of

Nice onion skin/copper colour.
Small, medium... bubbles of every kind of size; they lift up slowly.
It has the ideal look to be the kind of drink which appears in the "The joy of life" advertising.
In nose I find white-boned fruit with some green hints, like that we find when somebody is cutting the bushes in the garden. I find some artichoke hints too :-?
After some minutes we find some red fruits in nose and mouth.
Refreshing, vivid and bodied in mouth. More bodied than the kind of wines I use to drink when they are not red, I mean. It fills your mouth.

... "Black roses and wine" (Anastacia) and a quiet walking by Nieuwspiegelstraat...

It matchs nicely with a "Warm marinated salmon with saute veggies"

The prices is about 14 EUR. IMHO, a better price would be in the psychobarrier of 12 EUR.

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