Rioja Wines

7 respuestas

    Rioja Wines

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    We have organized the Rioja Wine and Food festival, with the food preparation more authentic that we could make here, and with the new trend of Rioja wines. In this country, general consumers relate Rioja with the good value Reserva, which is usually diluted and whased out, very light, and lacking fruit aromas. so I wanted to present other kinds of Rioja, and I am featuring Muga BF 2002, Qertos 2001, Pujanza 1999, Allende 2000, and Torre Muga 1998. But surprisingly to me, the most acclaimed wine of all is Qertos.
    Is it popular somehow in Spain too?

    en respuesta a testavinos

    Re: Rioja Wines

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    It seems that this is one of those few occasions when we are fortunate in the US because much of the production of Qertos must have been imported here.

    However, Paco recently posted a Forum note of recent a verema tasting of other 2003 carbonic maceration Spanish wines. Probably none of those wines are now imported here. It would have been good to see how Qertos compared with other wines of the same style.

    en respuesta a Paco Higón

    Re: Touché

    Ver mensaje de Paco Higón

    I appreciate very much the other products o bodegas Pujanza (Pujanza Crianza, and Norte) and admire their neatly ";modern"; character without losing a genuine Rioja identity. But I admit never having had heard about Qertus. I must say that I’m not particularly fond of neither ";maceracion carbónica"; Riojas nor Beaujolais nouveau. They appear to me somewhat “naïve”. Simply light and fruity, easy to drink, but with nothing more......

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