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De: Mrs. Vilma Fontanares- Scarr
Fecha: 28/06/2001
Hora: 14:52 -0400


Incredible and fantastic! What a small world after all ! There are wines from a town called Fontanares? My husband is equally thrilled to first discover VEREMA WEBSITE. Never I thought of wines, much more of Fontanares, Valencia. I know, though, that there are thousands of Fontanares people around the world, in England, Hongkong, U.S.A.,Canada, Japan, Mexico, Australia and the PHILIPPINES.. but NOT SPAIN. Just to let you know we will begin to drink Spanish wines. As Dione Warwick song goes, "Do you know the way to San Jose?", now I sing too, "DO YOU KNOW THE WAY TO FONTANARES? ".

Best wishes from London,U.K. VILMA FONTANARES-SCAR

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